Title: What is the meaning of life?  


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There have been three publications based around pupils' comments in the original Festival Questionnaires. These are:

1. Faith in the Future
(An Anthology of pupils' writing from the National RE Festival Questionnaire)
Edited by Jo Fageant and Lat Blaylock for PCfRE, 1998
ISBN 1 85100 136 0, £6.60

2. Listening to Children in Primary Religious Education
Edited by Lat Blaylock for PCfRE
ISBN 1 904024 12 2, £7.20

3. Listening to young people in Secondary Education
Edited by Lat Blaylock for PCfRE
ISBN 1 904024 13 0, £7.20

Publications are available from:

1020 Bristol Road
Selly Oak
B29 6LB
Tel: 0121 472 4242
Fax: 0121 472 7575

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