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TornNatalie ImbrugliaCrucifixion4m:06sPlay Music in pop-up window
PerfectAlanis MorisetteFollowing religious rules - 10 Commandments etc.3m:33sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Twilight Zone Theme Song
The Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary/ Paul on the road to Damascus/ Moses in the burning bush/Jesus appears to the disciples.
0m:30sPlay Music in pop-up window
My HeroThe Foo FightersReligious Leaders - Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc.4m:10sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Power!SnapThe power of God.3m:45sPlay Music in pop-up window
Superman Theme SongJesus.4m:13sPlay Music in pop-up window
PilgrimEnyaPilgrimage.6m:15sPlay Music in pop-up window
Irish SonBryan McFaddenCatholicism - upbringing. This song is about the warped education McFadden received at a Christian brothers school in Dublin. In the November 26, 2004 edition of the London Daily Mail , McFadden said: "Irish Son is me looking back on a Catholic upbringing. I still have faith in God, but I've lost my faith in the Catholic Church. There are some great priests in Ireland, but there are some bad apples, too." 4m:25sPlay Music in pop-up window
The X Factor ThemeJesus/The Disciples/The Trinity.0m:37sPlay Music in pop-up window
HeroDarren HayesReligious Leaders - Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc.4m:27sPlay Music in pop-up window
HeroChad Kroeger feat. Josey ScottReligious Leaders - Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc.3m:26sPlay Music in pop-up window
PerfectThe Lightning SeedsFollowing religious rules - 10 Commandments etc3m:56sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Greatest RewardCeline DionFollowing religious rules - 10 Commandments etc3m:32sPlay Music in pop-up window