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Star Wars theme tuneJohn WilliamsGood background music for showing images of creation / marvels of the universe.5m:51sPlay Music in pop-up window
Beautiful WorldTake ThatGood background music for showing images of creation / marvels of the universe.4m:25sPlay Music in pop-up window
Mission Impossible theme tuneAdam Clayton & Larry MullenGood background music for showing images of creation / marvels of the universe.3m:30sPlay Music in pop-up window
We are All Made of StarsMobyGood background music for showing images of creation / marvels of the universe.4m:34sPlay Music in pop-up window
Wonderful WorldJames MorrisonGood background music for showing images of creation / marvels of the universe.3m:30sPlay Music in pop-up window
Beautiful WorldColdplayGood background music for showing images of creation / marvels of the universe.2m:27sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Big Bang Theory theme songBarenaked LadiesScientific explanation for the creation of the World/Universe.1m:46sPlay Music in pop-up window