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Carry the BlameRiver City PeopleAbout woman who had an abortion and who now wonders what might have been.3m:19sPlay Music in pop-up window
HeavenDJ SammyCover version of Bryan Adams' song - commemorates 9/11.3m:51sPlay Music in pop-up window
Happy BirthdayFlipsydeThis is a song that reflects on the rapper's own experiences of abortion. It is good to use when discussing who has a say in the abortion debate. The lyrics are excellent, very moving, and he compares abortion to homicide.3m:19sPlay Music in new browser window
Tears in HeavenEric ClaptonWritten after the sudden death of his 4 year old son Connor, following a fall from a high rise window.4m:34sPlay Music in pop-up window
MiracleWhitney HoustonPro-Life song. About a girl who has an abortion but later regrets it.3m:49sPlay Music in pop-up window
Million TearsGroove Coverage3m:38sPlay Music in pop-up window
Last DanceSarah McLachlanInstrumental - piano solo.2m:32sPlay Music in pop-up window
I Love You...I'll Kill YouEnigmaTheme song for the 1996 film, Eraser8m:01sPlay Music in pop-up window
BrickBen Folds FiveOn Ben Folds Live, Folds explained: "People ask me what this song's about... I was asked about it a lot, and I didn't really wanna make a big hairy deal out of it, because I just wanted the song to speak for itself. But the song is about when I was in high school, me and my girlfriend had to get an abortion, and it was a very sad thing. And, I didn't really want to write this song from any kind of political standpoint, or make a statement. I just wanted to reflect what it feels like. So, anyone who's gone through that before, then you'll know what the song's about."4m:31sPlay Music in pop-up window
Stop Playing GodExhiliaHeavy Metal song - angry approach?3m:06sPlay Music in pop-up window
Meant To LiveSwitchfootFrom the film, Spiderman 2.3m:20sPlay Music in new browser window