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Reach OutTake ThatThe nature of Allah.4m:17sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Twilight Zone Theme Song
Jibril appears to Muhammad.
0m:30sPlay Music in pop-up window
PilgrimEnyaHajj.6m:15sPlay Music in pop-up window
I'll Be There For You (Theme From Friends)The RembrandtsUmmah.3m:09sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Power!SnapThe power of Allah.3m:45sPlay Music in pop-up window
PerfectAlanis MorisetteFollowing religious rules -  Shari'ah, Hadith etc.3m:32sPlay Music in pop-up window
PerfectThe Lightning SeedsFollowing religious rules -  Shari'ah, Hadith etc.3m:56sPlay Music in pop-up window
The Greatest RewardCeline DionFollowing religious rules -  Shari'ah, Hadith etc.3m:32sPlay Music in pop-up window